Welcome to my cocktail journey! I’m a 2024 Wesleyan graduate, stepping into the world of mixology with enthusiasm and a dash of novice curiosity, and I’m glad you’re here to share in my mixology adventures. I’ve dived headfirst into the vibrant world of cocktails, driven by a mix of enthusiasm and that thrilling feeling of trying something new. My journey into mixology isn’t just about mastering the art of drinks—it’s about weaving together memories, experiences, and a touch of creativity.

Growing up, I watched the adults in my life find real joy in a well-crafted drink. It wasn’t about the buzz as much as it was about the process and the flavors that brought smiles to their faces. These moments sparked my curiosity and showed me that mixology is much more than the sum of its parts; it’s an art form that fosters connection and celebration. To me, mixology is an exploration—a playful dance of flavors. It’s about understanding the history and science behind each ingredient and seeing how they can come together in new and exciting ways. I believe that a great cocktail can make any moment a little more special, whether it’s a celebration or a quiet evening at home.

On this site, you’ll find my experiments with different spirits, insights into the flavors that complement each other, and tips on crafting your own cocktails at home. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, I hope to make mixology accessible and fun for everyone.
